Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Cruelty Free Meat Brands What Meat Brands Are Relatively Cruelty Free?

What meat brands are relatively cruelty free? - cruelty free meat brands

I wavered between being vegetarian and eating meat for a long time. I love meat, I'm not against eating meat, but I do not know how the timber industry. I think the meat industry could be much better for the animals used for food, before and during slaughter, so do not try to support as much as possible. Has anyone from any brand of meat, knowing the relatively free from cruelty, so you can enjoy the occasional piece of meat?


YoungShy... said...

I found the following website. I hope this is useful! I am interested to know the answers to this question because I am in a similar situation. Good luck!

BlueSea said...

Oh please, I'm a vegetarian, but I can not answer this question: None. And vegetables and say (and I have a lot of them) is that any company that uses animals for food only for this reason is cruel. But remember, if an animal raised for food vegetarian or animal lover who is cruel.

Like I said, I am not entirely free of meat and probably never will, but I can certainly understand the argument is that if you use the slaughter of cows that have or had whipped cream caresses and whispers in your ear, is to led to his death.

robapel4 said...

It is only the brand and you might think. One of the largest companies such as Tyson Frew, Purdue, and Yada Yada Yada are national brands, but above all the meat in the shops are places locally.

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